Random Questions of Life

Like most people, sometimes really strange questions cross my mind. Sometimes they are relatively profound, other times they’re just plan stupid. So, in an effort to provide a bit of entertainment, here’s a small list of the random questions of life that has crossed my mind recently.


  1. If a genie granted me the powers and abilities of a fictional character, would I want to be Goku or Spider-Man?
  2. In either scenario, what would I do to gain money?
  3. Would it actually be any fun if there wasn’t anybody near as strong as me?
  4. Who has actually ever been handed lemons and thought, “life couldn’t get much worse”?
  5. What are the origins of the nursery rhyme “One, two, buckle my shoe”?
  6. I can follow the story of putting on your shoes, going outside and shutting the door, and then picking up sticks. What does any of that have to do with a hen?
  7. How did Gimli catch up to Legolas’ kill count in the battle for Helm’s Deep when Legolas had so much of a head start from shooting arrows?
  8.  Considering the upbringing of this next generation, is it possible that the majority of Christian kids won’t know the Lord’s Prayer or the Doxology at some point?
  9. If CL4P-TP can’t feel pain then why was he programmed with ability to express pain?
  10. What about comic book movies is so outrageous as to disqualify them from being considered great films by Ethan Hawke?
  11. Will we get another Psych movie?
  12. Who decided the pronunciation of bomb and tomb?
  13. If Homestar Runner were to release a feature film, how would it perform at the box office?
  14. What sort of powers does Strong Bad’s imagination have? People he imagines, such as Strong Badman and Senor Cardgage end up being real characters after he thinks of them.
  15. If Goku moves so fast that hours long bits of animation happen over the course of 5 in-universe minutes (or other instances, such as the Universe Survival Saga), does that mean that conversations that happen during these instances are spoken incredibly fast and therefore at high pitches?
  16. Why couldn’t Netflix make Iron Fist fun and likable with a mysticism about him rather than a distraction from the awesomeness of Colleen Wing?
  17. What are the lyrics of “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”? They always get fuzzy in my memory?
  18. What came first, asphalt roads or automobiles?
  19. What would happen if I was transported back to kindergarten with all my current memories and mental maturity?
  20. Why did something think of the concept of luck and associate salt with it?
  21. If my life was a movie, who would be the actor that plays me?
  22. What do people find compelling about Dwayne Johnson’s acting?
  23. Why can’t we have the real Teen Titans back?
  24. Why can’t Power Rangers be as awesome as I remembered?
  25. Who decided that the middle note of everything musical would be called “C”?
  26. What’s up with the different pronunciations of “schedule”?
  27. If you took out every single song from secular music that wasn’t a variation of “I love him/her”, “I hate him/her”, “Drugs/Sex/Alcohol is cool”, and “I just want to have fun”, how many songs would you be left with?
  28. How did the creation of the dance to “La Macarena” come to pass?
  29. Why did my parents let me listen to Backstreet Boys and N’Sync?
  30. Naphthalene?


And there you have it! Hopefully some of these made you giggle, or maybe even muse yourself. Feel free to comment or shoot me a message if you want more info on these thoughts.

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