Best Fandom Bracket- Dragon Ball VS The Lord of the Rings

We’re on to the quarter-finals! Here’s where things start to get very interesting. All the fandoms that passed through the first round are definitely beloved. It’s a bit of East VS West here.

Check out this post for the rules. Let’s get this started! Intros are boring!

Opening Argument: Dragon Ball

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Everybody knows why Dragon Ball is so fantastic. The fight scenes are spectacular. The character arcs are genuine and deserved. The series has heart. It has an epicness that few series have ever been able to replicate, though many have tried. But all of those elements don’t explain why Dragon Ball became the cultural phenomenon that it is.

The real reason why Dragon Ball has been so successful, be it via manga, video games, movies, or the anime, is because Dragon Ball is so much fun. Its comedy roots are seen constantly, but that’s not exactly what I’m referring to. It’s just so much fun to love. Those of us that grew up with Dragon Ball have grown up trying to fire a Kamehameha Wave. We’ve attemped to fuse with our best friends.

Do you want depth? Dragon Ball will give it to you. Do you want good fights? Dragon Ball will deliver there too. Do you want a comedy? Dragon Ball brings the laughs. And more than any other series, you’ll enjoy loving this series. Sure, The Lord of the Rings is a fantastic film trilogy with great books, but it simply isn’t as fun as Dragon Ball. Here’s a fun example, when at Skyzone (a trampoline park), my friends and I would often shout Dragon Ball moves while we dove into foam blocks. And we were well into adulthood while we did that. There’s a magic about Dragon Ball that will captivate your heart and give you joy.

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Opening Argument: The Lord of the Rings

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The Lord of the Rings is one of those rare fandoms in popular culture that can truly be understood as high art. It’s intellectual. You see grand themes of good versus evil. You see complex portrayals of PTSD, addiction, and brotherhood. Every step of the films and books, you find yourself captivated intellectually and emotionally in what’s going on. Even as we are relieved by some comedy, we never lose sight of the grand story with its deep meanings.

Amidst that depth is still the most exciting and iconic fantasy experience in popular culture. Tolkien forever shaped, if not defined, the fantasy genre. Experiences from Warcraft, to your DnD campaign, to your fantasy book library, they all have Tolkien to thank for what they are.

And when Peter Jackson took this cultural icon and brought it to film, he made us fall in love with characters first, then the deep story second. We laughed with Merry, Pippin, and Gimli. We were in awe of Legolas’ battle prowess. We rooted for Aragorn’s kingship. We loved the depth of Frodo and Sam’s friendship. And then that love grew into an appreciation for the themes and the films as a whole. There’s a reason that The Lord of the Rings are as beloved as they are.

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Rebuttal: Dragon Ball


There is no doubt in my mind that The Lord of the Rings is fantastic. But there is plenty of doubt in the minds of casual viewers. Anybody can jump into the fun that is Dragon Ball and have a good time along the way. The Lord of the Rings can take itself too seriously for some people to get invested in the series. I’ve known people who couldn’t even make it through the first movie. And the books are far worse. The beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring has a bit of a problem with dramatic pacing, for sure.

And the simple fact is that Dragon Ball has its hands in more media than The Lord of the Rings. The video games are better, generally speaking. The anime is far better than any cartoon version of The Lord of the Rings. Dragon Ball is easily better in the toy department as well. Sure, LOTR has great films and books, but if the quality isn’t that much different from Dragon Ball, and there’s far more quantity from Dragon Ball, it’s pretty clear that Dragon Ball is better.

That’s not to say that Dragon Ball isn’t intellectual or dramatic. Dragon Ball is probably the only anime that has pushed me to tears. And the ways that characters like Vegeta and Piccolo learn to love are believable and touching. In other words, Dragon Ball reaches all ages and all that are willing to give it a shot. The Lord of the Rings can’t say that same thing.


Rebuttal: The Lord of the Rings


Fandoms aren’t better because of their ability to reach all people and all ages. Just because more people would enjoy Finding Dory over Jackie Chan’s The Foreigner does not make Finding Dory better. Likewise, The Lord of the Rings doesn’t need to attract all people to be a superior fandom. I’ve mentioned before all the accolades that The Lord of the Rings has. It’s just that fantastic of a trilogy.

And beyond that, Dragon Ball’s fan base isn’t necessarily that much bigger than The Lord of the Rings. Those that have no interest in anime aren’t going to enjoy Dragon Ball much. And The Lord of the Rings obviously hit home far better with the older and more mature audience.

Beyond that, The Lord of the Rings is virtually unstained. Some may not like the Hobbit Trilogy (I love it), but they didn’t nothing to hurt The Lord of the Rings’ legacy. It’s a trilogy that you’ll be showing to your children, even when Blu-Rays are a thing of the past. And it’s because you love the characters. All the great action, the great jokes, and the wonderful music all work because of how much you love the Fellowship and how they grow.


P.S.- You can hear the music behind this picture, can’t you?

Concluding Argument: Dragon Ball

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Akira Toriyama did something amazing when he gave the world Dragon Ball. It started off as a story about a simple kid and turned into the greatest story of ambition and pushing your limits ever told. Think of some of the moments that touched your heart.

For me, I think to Vegeta’s sacrifice. I think of Goku fighting Piccolo Jr in the World Martial Arts tournament (or any of those tournaments, for that matter). I think of the Spirit Bomb. But even beyond moments in the anime or manga, I think of fun times in my life because of this series.

I think of performing the Kamehameha wave in Budokai Tenkaichi 3 for the Wii, fun hand motions and all (it’s difficult to explain how much fun that was). I think of my first group costuming outing where I went as Goku and we had the cast of the Z warriors. I think of waiting with the utmost expectation for “the next episode of Dragon Ball Z”. Remember the moments. Take a senzu bean. Vote for Dragon Ball.

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Concluding Argument: The Lord of the Rings

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You know, I genuinely believe that The Lord of the Rings is good for your soul. Tolkien blessed us with this work of pure genius. He gave us so much with this series. Think about it- because of him we have a full Elvish language. We have Legolas taking down an Oliphaunt. We have the Balrog. We have Sam carrying Frodo through the last steps of your journey.

Beyond even that, the modern day battle scene was entirely changed by the work of Peter Jackson in this trilogy. His work on the fights, especially the Battle of Helms Deep was incredibly revolutionary in its time. And I’d even go as far as to say that no battle in cinematic history, none of them, can compare to it.

And yet, after this huge dramatic journey, we get to see a satisfying end to a journey. Frodo could save the Shire, but couldn’t stay because of the new man that he was. And so he sails into the west. And the story is given a solid conclusion to all of the arcs and all of the themes. I’d go as far as to say that no series can compete with that satisfaction and true stakes. There’s a reason we all love the series. It has a special place in our hearts. And it bows to no fandom. Vote The Lord of the Rings.

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Round 9 Bracket

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