Best Fandom Bracket- The Legend of Zelda VS All Things Jackie Chan

Wow. We’ve come to a first in the entire best fandom bracket. Marvel beat Fire Emblem with 100% of the vote. That’s right. Not a single person voted for Fire Emblem. I don’t think that’s a statement about Fire Emblem at all. Marvel is just that amazing. It’ll be interesting to see how far Marvel goes. The Lord of the Rings will be a hard fandom to beat.

Anyway, we’re on to the next group- The Legend of Zelda VS Jackie Chan. Let’s see what happens.

Opening Argument- The Legend of Zelda

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Even I have to admit, Agitha was an odd addition to Hyrule Warriors.

Jackie Chan’s works are fantastic, don’t get me wrong. But how could his works possibly compare to the video games series with the most consistent quality- The Legend of Zelda? That’s like comparing the best computer mouse to the best computer. Sure,the mouse is great for what it competes against, but the computer  is a whole other category of epic.

Zelda, of course, tackles far more mediums than Jackie does. But thematically speaking, it’s helpful to look more at why Zelda is so much better than Jackie. First, consider the dramatic quality of Zelda. Sure, Jackie’s films are entertaining to watch, but very few would be considered dramatically compelling. Zelda, on the other hand, has some of the most compelling, concise, and motivating story-telling of any video game series. Consider the depth of the plot of Twilight Princess… the sense of adventure that comes from the plot of Wind Waker… even the love story found in Skyward Sword. Zelda’s narrative is just better.

Beyond the drama piece, Zelda is just more fun. Zelda has atmospheres that promote the idea of the hero’s journey. It has puzzles that are incredibly engaging and fun. And, oh, the boss battles… there’s a reason why Zelda is one of the best reviewed video games series of all time. You have so much fun at every step of the process. Even one game, say Ocarina of Time, has the entertainment value of a large quantity of Jackie’s film library. In other words, Jackie Chan is great, but The Legend of Zelda is just better.

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If this was Jackie Chan fighting Link, he might accidentally punch the shield. He’d then do the “ouch, that hurt my fist” face.

Opening Argument: Jackie Chan

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That’s a really tiny castle behind Jackie.

Video games and movies are very different media forms, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be compared. Sure, The Legend of Zelda has some of the greatest video games of all time, but the art of Jackie Chan’s films are timeless. Jackie Chan touches the hearts of men and women of all ages. His stories can be fun, dramatic, or incredibly intense. Whatever the case is, Jackie Chan is stunning.

Again, think of all crazy stunts that Jackie Chan has done. Think of all the bones that he has broken. All of that was for the sake of his art form. The choreography of his fight scenes are absolutely stunning. And for the sake of realism, he does it all. He even was knocked down into hot coals and he crawled out. Jackie Chan rocks it.

And for every great Zelda game that you can think of, there are several Jackie Chan movies that are legendary. I can sit down and watch Rush Hour 2 with my wife a lot easier and more often than I can sit down and play through Ocarina of Time again. I can Shanghai Noon with my mom and dad, but I can’t share Link’s Awakening. Film is just a different art, and Jackie Chan has elevated that art form in a way that families the world over can enjoy for decades to come.

Yeah, that actually happened. 

Rebuttal: The Legend of Zelda

Really, Link? There are so many better masks than that. Also, will that even fit on your face?

Jackie Chan has done some crazy stunts. He’s done some crazy fighting. He’s even done a few dramatic roles. But he’s never created an entire new language. He’s not built an entire new world. He’s not created a new system of combat that feels fluid for newcomers to video games and seasoned veterans alike. Film is a limited art form, and some would argue that Jackie isn’t at the top of that general craft.

On the other hand, you’d have to be crazy if you didn’t include The Legend of Zelda among the top of the greatest video games series of all time. It’s just that iconic. It shaped the genre. In some ways, it proved the video games can have a story.

Think of Jackie Chan’s duds. The Medallion? The Tuxedo? The Spy Next Door? Funny, maybe Jackie should just avoid movies that start with the word “the”. Nintendo made Zelda games simply don’t have duds. They don’t. They’re the gold standard of constant quality product. That’s what Zelda brings to the table.

Skyward Sword is so underrated.

Rebuttal: Jackie Chan

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Jackie Chan is the Drunken Master. There’s no separation.

You’re kidding me, right? Can you name one single actor that has been in as many films as Jackie Chan has? He’s done dozens upon dozens of films. Seriously, check out his filmography. So if he has a couple films that are a bit less critically acclaimed, that does nothing to tarnish his record. Jackie still walks away with an “A”. Even Anthony Hopkins was in a Tranformers movie.

And beyond that, why does Zelda get a free pass on the horrifically terrible CDI games? Just because Nintendo didn’t make them? It’s an official Zelda release, just like that terrible cartoon. They hurt the brand. Zelda’s worst is far worse than anything Jackie has ever done. And Jackie’s cartoon, by the way, is like a million times better.

Jackie Chan has done some amazing things with his life. He’s directed, produced, and starred in his own films. He’s even done the soundtrack to them. He’s pretty awesome that way. And he often does it all in a language that is not his own. How can “Well, excuse me, princess!” compare with that?

Yeah, Jackie Chan is also Monkey from Kung Fu Panda.

Closing Argument: The Legend of Zelda

Kind of a weird observation, but Zelda sure does logos right.

Jackie Chan is an interesting sort of treasure. He was incredibly popular doing the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, but his popularity has since waxed and waned. He isn’t quite like Arnold Schwarzenegger and his kind, where he fell into obscurity or parody. But he’s getting older. Who knows how long his memory will last?

We can be certain that The Legend of Zelda will stand the test of time. Nintendo will have to go bankrupt before we stop getting consistent and quality The Legend of Zelda games. The concept of Zelda is just so much bigger than any one man, even one as great as Jackie Chan.

In other words, Zelda is more dramatic, more fun, and in the end, more timeless. Jackie Chan tried his best,but he’s just one man. And you know what they say- “It’s dangerous to go alone.” Vote Zelda.

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Nothing like referencing something, then immediately having a picture of it.

Closing Argument: Jackie Chan

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I feel like Old School Jackie Chan was always named “Dragon” in films.

What a weak argument. Jackie Chan is the person you think of when you think of an entire genre of film. The only other person that comes close to his name is Bruce Lee. And think about that- Bruce Lee died nearly twenty years before I was born and we’re still making movies about his life. To think that Jackie will be forgotten so easily is laughable.

Zelda, on the other hand, is oddly niche for a popular of a video game series as it is. Think about the common joke. How often do people mistake Link for Zelda because of the name? It’s not as ingrained into our culture as one might think.

And for my money, there’s nothing quite like the memories that I have of sitting down with my family to watch Jackie Chan movies. As a child, I marveled at the show being put in front of me. As an adult, I see the art of choreography and the intense skill of all involved. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Jackie Chan is better. Vote Jackie Chan.

Two for two.



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