Another Round of Blabbering

Well, it seems that things are a bit back to normal at the office. I have a little bit more time to write. Boy, am I glad to have a bit of alleviation from the chaos that was last week. Hopefully it’ll keep up.

So, when I thought about what to write about I actually came up a little short. I had a random thought here or there, but honestly I have been as explorational in my thoughts recently. Vague ideas about why I like linear gameplay were on my mind awhile back. This week, I gave some thought to understand “how” Jesus saves us. I even thought about writing something about what I like in worship tune. But I just haven’t spent the time to be as eloquent in my writing.

What I’m left with is just a little bit of blabbering, without much of a direction. I know a few people that like that format, but I can’t help but feel like it’s more difficult to read. But, hey, at least we get a little variety.

On to the Blabbering

Well, my wife and I are moving. I think I wrote about that awhile back. It’s been getting pretty exciting. My wife has been an absolute champ, getting things together while I’m at the office. She deserves a ton of credit. Due to that, other life changes, my dad being in the hospital, and the abnormal stress of work, I haven’t really had the time to think about something real unique.

Even when I think of something real unique, it typically comes out of my mouth in the moment better than when I sit down to write it out. For example, I spoke in-depth with my life just the other night about how to become a mentor. I’d like to think that it was pretty deep. I spoke of how the effect of “being valued” was the most powerful in mentor relationship building. It’s more than just “I care” and goes beyond to “you have value”. That sort of relationship is what we long for and it’s what creates strong bonds.

I gave examples of youth and adults. Even as I don’t feel valued at my job, I don’t see my boss as a friend or respected elder. He’s just my boss. He doesn’t seem to value me, even at his nicest moments. But when I show a youth or when my pastor shows me that I am valuable, everything changes. The person who is valued wants to invest in the relationship.

But this explanation doesn’t do justice to what I said in the moment or how my wife and I dialogued. Maybe I’ll gather my thoughts and make it into a full post at some point or another. I don’t know.

I’d really like to do a class at church about teaching youth about Christ. Parents could hear and perhaps put a greater effort into raising up men and women of God. In fact, once I typed that sentence, I stopped what I was doing to send my pastor an e-mail with a plan on teaching said class. It’s just kinda the way that I do things.

Moving On…

Thank God for his sufficiency and sovereignty. You can feel the flow of culture, right? Constantly pushing us to compromise who we are… to lose sight of Christ. It can be overwhelming. And as we try to keep our eyes upon Jesus, planted and rooted in his grace, the only relief possibly comes from knowing the might of God. No matter what the enemy pushes forward, we know that the ultimate victory is found in Christ and all things work together for good.

Spiritual warfare abounds. The faithful Christian who rightly reliefs on the authority of the Word of God is attacked by Satan in many ways. They’re the temptation to compromise- to go with the flow. What can I say? I’ve seen a lot about social issues recently, especially abortion and sexual immorality. And we can often compromise and fail to show the gospel. Not recognizing sin isn’t love, it’s a failure to show the holiness of God and why Jesus sacrifice was so powerful. Not standing up for the least of these, especially those who literally have no voice, fails to show the life-changing power of Christ.

But even for those that rest on the authority of the Word, we’re tempted to a sense of spiritual superiority and self-righteousness. We forget to relay that we are also sinners and that we need Jesus just as much as anyone else. We’re more concerned about being right than being Jesus.

And even if we approach the issues facing our day with truth and love, we can still be attacked spiritually. Sin can creep at our door. In a way, we’re pressed hard on every side.

Thank God for his sufficiency and sovereignty. No matter what we face, nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing can halt his plans for redemption. Satan has already lost. Praise Jesus.

Well, that got a bit interesting, huh? Let’s move on.

Thanks to anyone and everyone who decides to read these posts. It makes my day a bit. Pray for me. As I attempt to be the man that God wants me to be,  I often fail. I try to be the best husband, the best son, the best friend, and the best man I can be. But I fail. And the weight of some of life’s situations can be a bit crushing. But God is faithful. And, frankly, I am beyond blessed- more so than most that I know. So pray that God would keep me grateful, humble, and faithful.

Soli Deo Gloria, friends.

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