Best Fandom Bracket- The Results and How I Would Have Voted

Well, we’ve finally reached the end of our bracket and I’m not surprised to announce that Marvel has proven itself to be the best fandom, according the readers, beating The Legend of Zelda with a whopping 82% of the vote. Here is the resulting bracket.

Voter Final Bracket

But what would I have chosen? How would my bracket have differ from what the readers voted? Well, we’re going to explore that briefly. We’ll go through each match-up one by one and take note of which is better in my mind. Importantly, we’re not going to just be discussing which is better, but also how hard of a decision it was for me to come to, noted by a certain number of 1 Thinking Spidey (thinking Spidey) out of five. Here’s what each score means.

1 Thinking Spidey– Listen, I like both of these fandoms, but come on. This one is a no brainer. One of these has its problems that are made huge by the awesomeness of the competition.

2 Thinking Spidey-This rating is similar to the first, except its almost entirely based on the epicness of the winner and less due to the faults of the loser.

3 Thinking SSpidey– I knew which one was better pretty easily, but that doesn’t mean I was very happy about it. Much closer to call than 2/5.

4 Thinking Spidey– This match could have gone either way, especially if the question would have been asked in the wake of some awesomeness by the losing fandom. Still, based on the current status of things, I’m confident about this decision.

5 Thinking Spidey– Literal torture having to decide between these two. I could easily have chosen the other. In fact, I’m still torn.


And with that, let’s take a look at the original bracket and get started.

round 1 bracket

Round 1- Power Rangers VS Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball VS Power Rangers
Shouldn’t Pink Goku be wearing a skirt?

I loved both of these series growing up as a kid. However, my nerdy levels skyrocketed with Dragon Ball, loving it just as much to this day. It’s easily the better quality series, plus the most fun you can have outside while pretending. Dragon Ball’s cast is consistently awesome full of depth and character growth. Dragon is just better.

Winner: Dragon Ball

Difficulty: 1 Thinking Spidey.png

Agree with the readers: Yes


Round 2- The Lord of the Rings VS Borderlands

Lord of the Rings vs Borderlands.jpg
This is as good as it gets when you Google Lord of the Rings Borderlands.

As great as Borderlands is, 3 games is not enough to compete with the books, films, and videogames that come from The Lord of the Rings. I’d probably even choose one LotR video game series (The Battle for Middle-Earth) over Borderlands. Nothing against Borderland’s top quality gameplay, but I just don’t nerd out for it like I do LotR.

Winner: The Lord of the Rings

Difficulty:2 Thinking Spidey.png 

Agree with the readers: Yes

Round 3- Fire Emblem VS Psych

Pineapple Tome.jpg
In case you couldn’t tell, this is a Pineapple Tome. I had to get creative with the cover picture for this.

Now this is a hard match up for me. Seriously, I am quickly finding that Fire Emblem is among my favorite video games franchises of all time. But how does that rank up against my favorite show of all time? This one hurts me a lot, but I’m going to have to give it to Psych. It has meant more to me for longer. But boy, was it close.

Winner: Psych

Difficulty:5 Thinking Spidey.png

Agree with the readers: No

Round 4-Transformers VS Marvel

Wolverine could probably take them all by himself.

This is the easiest match up on the bracket. Transformers are cool, but they are easily my least favorite of the fandoms on this bracket. In fact, I thought of a thing or two that I could have replaced them with afterwards, such as other TV shows like Burn Notice or Leverage.  Seriously, Transformers has nothing on Marvel. In fact, I’m going to give it a 0/5 on difficulty.

Winner: Marvel


Agree with the readers: Yes

Round 5- Pokemon VS The Legend of Zelda

So. Adorable.

This is an interesting match up. Other than Sonic, there’s basically no two game franchises that I have more history with than these two. Both entered my life around the same time and both have kept with it. Still, I feel it is pretty clear, even to Pokemon fans- Zelda is just better. Pokemon is great, but it really needs a game changer in Sword and Shield. Just my opinion, of course.

Winner: The Legend of Zelda

Difficulty:3 Thinking SSpidey.png

Agree with the readers: Yes

Round 6- Jackie Chan VS Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic Chan
I actually couldn’t find a mashup picture online, so this is my editing skills at work. Don’t laugh.

Sonic was my first love of video games. I played 3D and 2D Sonic games constantly, even on my GameGear. Even though the quality of his recent games hasn’t been consistent, I’ll always be a fan. However, Jackie Chan is the boss. He’s doing ridiculous stunts, fighting into his sixties, and just being awesome overall. I have seen more of Jackie Chan’s films that I’ve seen Marvel films. That’s saying something right there.

Winner: Jackie Chan

Difficulty: 2 Thinking Spidey.png

Agree with the readers: Yes

Round 7- Final Fantasy VS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Well, it’s a Final Fantasy guy that kinda looks like a turtle. I know, it’s a bit of a stretch.

I was shocked when I saw that TMNT lost to Final Fantasy in the bracket. I figured that TMNT’s immense popularity would carry them through the first round, especially against a relatively less iconic video game series, Final Fantasy. I know, it’s pretty popular among gamers, but Cloud isn’t Mario or Pikachu. Still, I’d have to agree with the readers. Final Fantasy’s games are pieces of art.  TMNT is just too inconsistent with its quality. But this was a close one,  I promise.

Winner: Final Fantasy

Difficulty:4 Thinking Spidey.png

Agree with the readers: Yes

Round 8- Star Wars VS Kingdom Hearts

Star Wars Kingdom Hearts
I mean, Disney owns Star Wars so…. it’s possible. And it’d be epic.

This was the most surprising results of the tournament, if you ask me. Star Wars is a cultural icon! We’ve all pretended to be Jedi or Sith while swinging around the toy lightsabers and accidentally hitting our friends on the fingers. Yep, I remember the days… back when I was 23.

Still, I feel the exact same way. Star Wars isn’t the hype train that it used to be. I’m just kinda meh about it all. I think it’s in part due to the outings of Marvel that involve space. It just kinda feels like Marvel does it better. Added to that, Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite video game franchises ever. Kingdom Hearts takes this.

Winner: Kingdom Hearts

Difficulty:2 Thinking Spidey

Agree with readers: Yes

Quarter Finals

My Bracket Quarter Finals.png

So far, I’ve agreed with the readers almost every step of the way. Psych taking down Fire Emblem was the hardest one to decide on the first round of matches, so I think my readers and I have similar tastes. But let’s see how things go from here.

Round 9- Dragon Ball VS The Lord of the Rings

How many Dragon Balls can you find?

I love both of these series. Honestly, Dragon Ball has been in my life much longer and therefore closer to my heart longer. However, I love Lord of the Rings. When they first came out on VHS and DVD (yes, VHS), I would rewatch them over and over again. I could quote everything. They are top-tier quality products, so they take this match-up for me.

Winner: The Lord of the Rings

Difficulty:3 Thinking SSpidey.png

Agree with readers: Yes

Round 10- Psych VS Marvel

Psych Marvel.jpg
Now this is a partnership that Marvel needs to create.

I love Psych so much. There isn’t a show on TV that could ever take its place as my favorite, even if Leverage and Burn Notice fight for that spot constantly. But Marvel is so much bigger than a TV show could ever be. I love Psych so much that I wanted to give this a 4/5 on the difficulty scale, but given my own descriptions of the scale, I had to admit, I can’t imagine a world where Psych beats Marvel. And that makes me very sad.

Winner: Marvel

Difficulty: 3 Thinking SSpidey

Agree with the readers: Yes

Round 11- The Legend of Zelda VS Jackie Chan

Jackie Zelda
Eh, Cucco can fly. They cary Link around places. If I could glide with wings while carrying something ten times my weight, I bet I could fly without them. The added weight, not the wings. 

This is kinda sad. Both of these are so incredibly awesome. Words cannot express how much respect I have for the artists of both these fandoms. The hard work from Nintendo constantly brings a grade-A entertainment experience from Zelda games. And Jackie Chan is so incredibly epic as are all of his fight choreographers. He’s also just a nice guy. Still, as it currently stands, I’d have to give the edge to Zelda. But that is very sad to say.

Winner: The Legend of Zelda

Difficulty4 Thinking Spidey

Agree with the readers: Yes

Round 12- Final Fantasy VS Kingdom Hearts

Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts
Still upset that we didn’t get Cloud in KH3.

Now this is a difficult match-up for me. I probably have spent more time playing KH games. In particular, KH2 is one of my favorite games of all time. I’ve beaten that game over and over again. But Final Fantasy has wonderful gems. I’m particularly fond of FFVII and FFX. So how do I chose between these two? Honestly, if KH3 had knocked my socks off, it would have been a much easier decision. But I found the endgame to be lackluster. I’m waffling over and over again on this, even right now. But what settles it for me is that I look most forward to seeing Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts. Slight (very slight) edge to Final Fantasy.

Winner: Final Fantasy

Difficulty: 5 Thinking Spidey

Agree with readers: No


My Bracket Semi Finals.png

Again, my bracket is looking very similar to yours. There was a single upset, but it was the hardest decision of the quarter finals. Overall, it seems like we’re all on the same wavelength. On to the semi-final matches!

Round 13- The Lord of the Rings VS Marvel

LOTR Marvel
To be fair, Thorin was a Hydra agent and Tauriel is doing a great job as The Wasp.

I think this is the one that everybody wants my opinion on. These are two of the greatest franchises of all time. Both have given me so many great and wonderful memories over the years. So, it’s with a heavy heart that I have to admit that I’d choose Marvel over The Lord of the Rings, contrary to what my wife and best friend would have chosen. Now, let me explain.

There has never been, nor do I think there ever will be, a film trilogy that rivals The Lord of the Rings. They are unique pieces of art that deserved all the rewards they received and more. But those three movies alone (or six, if you add the Hobbit films) are not enough to compete against the wave of fantastic Marvel cinema. For example, let’s take my top ten favorite Marvel (MCU and non-MCU) films. In no particular order, we have Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man Homecoming, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, Thor Iron Man, X2: X-Men United, and X-Men: Days of Future Past. Do those ten movies beat the Lord of the Rings three films? Honestly, I’d have to say that they do. And there’s a wealth of other great Marvel films to go alongside those.

Further, considering the books and video games, I find that they’re relatively even. Lord of the Rings probably has better video games, but Marvel has more great games. The Lord of the Rings books are timeless classics that are going against decades of writers at Marvel comics. I’d still give Lord of the Rings the win in that category, but Marvel puts up a surprisingly good fight.

Finally, Marvel has meant more to me on a personal level (though not by a great deal). I relate to Peter Parker. It’s Spidey’s Soapbox, not Aragorn’s… some sort of alliteration. I dress up as Spidey. We have super hero fights. But don’t get me wrong, this isn’t easy. In fact, this is one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make, so much so that 5/5 thinking Spideys isn’t enough to express it.

Winner: Marvel

Difficulty: 5 Thinking Spidey2 Thinking Spidey

Agree with the readers: yes… bleh.

Round 14- The Legend of Zelda VS Final Fantasy

Cloud VS Link.jpg
Really, if we could just have a Smash turn-based RPG, all my dreams would have come true.

Well, after the difficulty that came from that past decision, it’s nice to know that it’s a little bit easier. Not that Zelda VS Final Fantasy is the easiest of decisions, but it seems like one compared to the last one. Final Fantasy is great, but it’s not The Legend of Zelda great. Zelda has made memories all throughout my life. Other than Smash, I’d argue that it’s the greatest video game franchise of all time.

Winner: The Legend of Zelda

Difficulty:3 Thinking SSpidey

Agree with the readers: Yes

FINALS- Marvel VS The Legend of Zelda


As much as I love The Legend of Zelda, you’ve got to know that if Marvel is able to take down The Lord of the Rings, it’s definitely going to be able to take down Zelda. Sure, nothing that Marvel brings to the video game table competes with Zelda’s games, but Marvel wins in every other category- movies, toys, literature, and overall fun. It’s a testament to the value of Zelda’s video games that they were able to get to the finals. But Marvel takes the cake for me.

Winner: Marvel

Difficulty:3 Thinking SSpidey

Agree with the readers: Yes


Well, let’s take a look at both of our brackets. First, here’s yours.

Voter Final Bracket.png

And here’s mine.

My Final Bracket.png


Overall, it’s not too different, with only two changes. Probably goes to show that those that read my blog have similar tastes to my own. But what did you guys think? If you have the opportunity, create your own version of my bracket- show me your preferences. Maybe even use my scale for the decisions.

Thanks again for reading all these. Looking forward to normal content again.


Soli Deo Gloria, friends.



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