Destroying the Factory

The intro for any number of my blogs posts are easily the most difficult thing to do. Once I get to writing about something, anything, I can usually get the words flowing until the blog post is finished. But starting at the intro is so difficult. Often what happens is I have an idea then I scrap it because the intro doesn’t feel right to me. This happens over and over again. It was so bad for my high school and college papers that I actually wrote the intro last, just so that I could get it done.

Even for this particular blog post, I scrapped at least a half dozen ideas before I finished that paragraph I just wrote. Oh, and the title… yeah, I’d never get anything written if I had to think of a title of whatever I was going to write about first.

That’s the way that it’s always been with me. It’s either 0 or 100. I love something or I really don’t. I’m entirely invested in a job or not at all. That goes for just about everything that comes my way- video games, TV shows, and fandoms all get that treatment.

I suppose the reason why this comes to mind is because of idolatry. I’m finding the truth more and more in the statement by John Calvin, “The human heart is a factory of idols.” There are so many things that push and pull on our hearts, seeking our attention. So often, those things distract us from the only thing that matters eternally, our Lord and Savior.

Think about how much easier it is for you to read your social media feed than to read the Bible. Sure, it’s an easy example, but a poignant one, nonetheless. So I thought I’d take a moment to point out some idols that can captivate my heart in an attempt to challenge others to use some moderation. And if you’re like me and you don’t necessarily do moderation well, consider turning that idol from a 100 to a 0. To be clear, most of our modern day idols aren’t bad in an of themselves. They can just capture our hearts in a way that is… unhealthy.

Before I begin with a description of some of the idols that can challenge me, I figure it’d be great to take a moment and look to Tim Keller’s fantastic definition of what an idol is.

“What is an idol? It is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give…

An idol is whatever you look at and say, in your heart of hearts, ‘If I have that, then I’ll feel my life has meaning, then I’ll know I have value, then I’ll feel significant and secure.’ There are many ways to describe that kind of relationship to something, but perhaps the best one is worship.”

With that, let’s take a look at some of the idols that have fought for my heart in the past (or in the present).


For the Senior Demolays who may be reading this, this either comes as a shock or as a no-brainer. To others who aren’t as familiar with the organization, let me do my best to explain quickly.

DeMolay is a youth organization for young men between the ages of twelve and twenty-one. The best way that I can describe it to those who aren’t familiar with it is that it’s like the Boy Scouts, but rather than teaching you how to light a fire in the woods, DeMolay teaches you how to run a meeting and speak publicly. You gain lifelong friends along the way too.

DeMolay was my life when I was younger. It gave me great friends. It led me to connections that led to my current job. It led to great relationships with adult mentors. It gave me so many life skills that I have continued to develop to this day.

But it also was my everything. I lived and breathed DeMolay. DeMolay always came first. I ended my DeMolay career as the head person for the entire state for DeMolay, and it was filled with a lot of work that I was proud of doing. However, in becoming my everything, I can say clearly that I worshiped DeMolay in a lot of ways. Not in the primitive way that one might imagine, but a captivation of the heart.

DeMolay came before my spiritual walk with God. And that walk suffered greatly from it, until I could finally step back and see that, even as it had improved me, it had caused me to lose sight of what really mattered. Senior DeMolays probably know what I’m talking about. You can even do this as an adult with the Masonic organization. Christ needed first place in my heart, and DeMolay occupied that spot for many years. Thank God for his mercy.

My Phone

Now this is weird. How could my phone occupy first place in my heart? Well… it’s a bit more complicated than that. Our desires to stay interconnected with the world often leave us disconnected with the people around us. Constantly checking my phone had that sort of effect. Not only that, but sometimes we really don’t need the internet constantly in our pocket. So often, it’s a big waste of time.

It got pretty bad for me. I was constantly watching something, playing some sort of mobile game (those things are evil, never play them). It kind of sapped my spiritual life away from the glory of God’s creation around me.

I don’t need to constantly check Facebook. I don’t need to constantly be on YouTube (a subcategory of this idol). And if not having my phone on me makes me freak out, I know that I have a problem. So if you struggle with this, take it away for a bit. I got back on YouTube recently and decided that I was overdoing it. So I’m taking it away again since I’m not using moderation. Consider letting that idol go.


I’m happily married to the greatest woman in the world. She’s absolutely amazing. She’s my rock. I shudder to think of what I’d do without her. But for many of us our relationships can become huge idols. I please God first and my wife second. For those of you who are single or in a non-married relationship, I know that the temptation is there to make that person your world. Don’t. Be a man or woman of God first before you worry about your future partner.

There’s much more I could say about this category, but I’m sure that all who are reading this know how alluring this idol is. Delight in the Lord first and he will give you desires of your heart. But because you are delighting in the Lord, your desires will change to match his. Remember that.

Video Games

I remember when I religiously played League of Legends. I was angry when I lost games. I couldn’t be bothered by my parents to step away from the computer. I couldn’t pause the game, so how could they possible expect me to take the trash out? It was one of the least healthy video game experiences that I’ve ever had.

There’s nothing wrong with the fun that you get from playing video games. The same goes for most of the nerdy passions that I have. But when that passion burns brighter than my passion for God, I’ve missed the point of God’s grace. As John Piper would explain, the fun that I have should lead me to glorify the God who inspires all creativity. It’s truly a gift from him. Yes, even video games can give God glory.

Obviously, this means that I should show a bit of discernment when it comes to choosing the video games and nerdy fandoms that I pick. But I also should passionately love God much more than I “love” Spider-Man or Smash Bros.


This isn’t meant to be a exhaustive list of the idols that want to come out of my heart factory. Nor is it meant to cause shame or feelings of inadequacy. No, it’s meant to encourage you and me to run toward that glorious heart of grace of God that was revealed through the person and works of Jesus. Even though my heart is an idol factory, he loves me. He paid the price for me. He’s worthy of worship so much more than anything that this world has to offer.

For some of you, this list doesn’t really equate to much in your life. Consider the other idols that are common in the world. God is greater than your career. He’s greater than your hobbies. He’s even greater than your kids. Give him first place in your heart.

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