Nintendo Direct E3 2019 Discussion

My goodness, that E3 was very awesome. The hype is real.

So, in celebration of all that awesomeness, the following is a slightly edited version of a conversation that I had with my Buddy about how excited we were.

Buttered Yum Yums, my buddy, will have his dialogue in orange.My dialogue will be in be in blue. My extra commentary will be in the normal black. Let’s get started!




Right? So good. So many things I want. Lol. Nintendo, just take my  mone. Lol. 

Let’s talk about the awesomeness. #1. Smash. I was so incredibly hyped for all the dragon quest characters. I recently started playing Dragon Quest 8. Superb game.

2 characters!!! I expect 1, they provide 2. Lol.

I’m super excited to have all those different characters into one. And they seem so complex! Banjo absolutely made Shazzam’s day. While I’m not as big of a fan of Banjo, I’m so happy for Shazzam. Plus the stage looks sweet.

Yeah, dragon quest is amazing and so happy with how it looked but banjo…. Shazzam may die from excitement. Lol we typed that same time lol
I actually called him right afterwards. He was so hype.
Lol,I imagine lol I’m hyped but not as much as I know he is.
I know of a few people who aren’t as excited for the Dragon Quest character, but Dragon Quest is huge in Japan. I’m also a huge fan. And in the West, Banjo is super classic. You’ve just got to be happy for people, like we are for our buddy. 
I’m definitely going to be adding a dragon quest character, probably the one from the game I’m currently playing, into my repertoire.
Fair I will try both and decide then lol

But both look fun
So what’s next? Ultimate Alliance 3?
Sure, lol
So many characters. So many characters… So many characters!
Man, that was a good quick look.
I’m not familiar with the woman they featured prominently, though. You? I can’t believe Beast made the cut.
So many… I don’t even know #1- who all is playable anymore and #2- who my team will be. Which woman? Sorry, so many characters… my brain can’t picture who you mean.
She was basically the main hero of the trailer. She had guns and a trench coat, I think.
Yeah, I’ve seen her before but I don’t know who she is,,, maybe I saw her in Legendary?
Hm… Oh! The shield woman, Elsa Bloodstone, right? Maybe?
Yeah, I think so. That’s who I thought she may be.
Turns out we were right.
Games that I surprisingly enjoyed the trailers of- Luigi’s Mansion 3, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games.
Fair, I was excited for Luigi’s Mansion. Now I’m more hyped… but that Mario and Sonic looked super fun.
Almost feels like a tradition to get those games.
I’ve had most of the Mario and Sonic games, even if they weren’t particularly good. This one actually looks good. 
Even the Bowser joke in the beginning was awesome lol. True, I’m more interested than expected.
You’d have to watch the direct to understand.
Haha… I’m still super excited for the HD remake of Dragon Quest 11. Definitely getting that.
Yeah, same. Honestly, the only game that we got full information on that I’m not interested in is the panzer dragon. Everything else I’ll probably get. lol. Goodbye money.
But the icing on the cake was Breath of the Wild 2.
Yeah, that was a surprise. Wasn’t expecting that like at all.
So excited that it wasn’t just a DLC.
Same, and that trailer was intriguing to say the least.
I wonder how much Zelda will get to be with you. It was very fascinating. And creepy. Which is awesome.
Agreed. I’m so hyped. Nintendo did amazing.
Agreed. So incredibly fantastic. “The Hero” comes out in the summer, right? Like very soon? So hype.
Yeah, I think so. They’re playing Pokemon on Treehouse now. I saw a Haunter our in the wild area… and was quite happy.
I wasn’t watching the Treehouse stuff, so Buttered Yum Yums was informing me on what was happening. 
How’s Luigi’s Mansion’s gameplay going? I’m rewatching the Smash stuff.
Right now they are showing the booth. They are awkward because you can tell they are stalling. Now it’s Animal Crossing. I’m interested in finally actually playing Animal Crossing.
It does seem very well made.
I mean, it is Nintendo. Lol
That is true.
I mean, they have had a miss sometimes, but you can really count on them to provide quality about 99 percent of the time. Lol
Yeah, far more consistent than basically any other company.
True, I mean it’s why I will always like and support them. Lol. Like honestly every game I saw on the direct except maybe 1 interested me. And even that one looked good, just not my style. The switch line up is stacked.
Agreed. And that’s not to mention the huge flurry of games Nintendo presented at the end… or the top down Zelda game.
Yeah, that flurry I need to investigate more because I saw them, but I don’t know if I really saw them. Know what I mean? Lol. Yeah, woot woot Zelda.
I mean, Mario Maker 2 was in there, and I know everybody is excited for that.
Three houses looks so good too. 
We didn’t even talk about Three Houses! Seems like they’re stepping things up dramatically.
Right? Lol. I am so hyped to play that.  Lol. I mean so much stuff… I feel we could get in person and talk about some of this stuff for decades. Lol. How come we haven’t talked about the dungeon builder on Link’s Awakening yet?


We went on to chat about random things that were showing up on the tree house stream. Overall, it was a great E3. I highly recommend checking out the Smash Bros, Three Houses, Dragon Quest 11, and Zelda Material. Those were definitely the highlights from me.

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