Watching Transformers: The Last Knight… Real-time Reactions

So, I thought I'd start watching a few movies in the moments that I might instead be watching youtube videos. So, I browse Amazon Prime to see what it recommends for me to watch. I figure, it's got to be something that I'm comfortable with watching bits and pieces of at a time. Then I … Continue reading Watching Transformers: The Last Knight… Real-time Reactions

My Favorite MCU Heroes Ranked

Man, I still can't get Endgame out of my mind. What a fantastic movie. So, I sat down today thinking of a blog post to write and I thought of the immense cast of Endgame and Infinity War. How fun would it be to rank my favorite heroes of the MCU? Well, I don't know. … Continue reading My Favorite MCU Heroes Ranked

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse- Review

Have you ever wanted to see a comic book come to life? Well, then Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is the movie for you. Here's the thing- this movie has been receiving tons of praise, a vast majority of it being well founded. As a Spider-Man fan, I'm prone to get my nerd on in this … Continue reading Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse- Review

Thor: The Dark World > Thor: Ragnarok

In many ways, Thor: The Dark World is the red-headed step-child of the MCU. Alongside Iron Man 2, it is considered one of the most stale Marvel movies, mostly due to its incredibly underwhelming villain, Malekith, a dark elf who seeks to control the Aether, the Reality Stone. Conversely, Thor: Ragnarok is considered one of … Continue reading Thor: The Dark World > Thor: Ragnarok

Venom- A Movie Review

Venom, the symbiote that's really a parasite. The formidable enemy of Spider-Man. The mix between a horror monster and a comic book villain. In some ways this has the potential to be a fantastic movie. In other ways, the odds were stacked against the studio. Seeing as how this particular film seems to divide critics … Continue reading Venom- A Movie Review